
Raiatea’s Tasty Secret: A Culinary Journey to the Quaint Snack Bar in a Rustic Trailer » – Discover the hidden gem of Raiatea as we take you on a gastronomic journey to a rustic trailer serving up mouth-watering snacks. Experience the thrill of the quaint snacks and the warm hospitality in this charming corner of French Polynesia.


Nestled in the heart of French Polynesia lies a hidden gem of a snack bar called « Raiatea’s Tasty Secret ». This charmingly rustic trailer serves up mouth-watering snacks that are a must-try for anyone visiting the island. In this article, we will take you on a culinary journey to the quaint snack bar and give you a taste of the warm hospitality that is characteristic of this corner of French Polynesia.

The History of Raiatea’s Tasty Secret

Raiatea’s Tasty Secret has been in existence for over a decade, and its fame has grown exponentially over the years. It started as a small food truck, but due to its popularity, it has expanded considerably. The snack bar features a modest decor with a few tables and chairs under the shade of a canopy.

The owner of Raiatea’s Tasty Secret is a woman named Marie, who is passionate about her cooking. She hails from Raiatea, the island that the snack bar is named after. Like many Polynesian women, she learned to cook at a young age from her family’s traditions and passed down recipes. You can taste the love and care that goes into each dish that comes out of her kitchen.

Their Specialty

The snack bar specializes in a few dishes, but all of them are delicious. The most popular dish is their poisson cru, which is a traditional Polynesian dish. Poisson cru is made with raw fish marinated in lime juice and mixed with coconut cream, diced vegetables such as onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes, and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Another popular dish is the barbecue chicken, which is marinated in a delicious blend of spices and grilled to perfection. It is served with rice or fries and a side of vegetables.

For dessert, you should try their coconut bread, which is moist and tender, and the perfect way to end your meal.

The Experience

The snack bar is located in a wooded area and has a « camping » vibe to it. There is a small parking area, and the snack bar is located in a rustic trailer. The area is simple, but the food and the hospitality more than make up for it.

The menu is straightforward, and the prices are affordable. You can order your food to go or sit at one of their tables and enjoy your meal in a relaxed atmosphere. The staff is friendly, and the service is excellent. You will be greeted with a smile and feel welcome from the moment you arrive.

Why You Should Visit Raiatea’s Tasty Secret

Raiatea’s Tasty Secret is more than just a snack bar. It is an experience that you will never forget. The delicious food, the warm hospitality, and the charming atmosphere make it a must-visit for anyone traveling to French Polynesia. You will get a glimpse into local cuisine and culture and feel like you are part of the community.

The snack bar is a perfect example of the phrase « less is more. » Despite its modest decor, the food is the star of the show, and every dish is a culinary masterpiece. You will not find this kind of quality and freshness anywhere else on the island.

The Final Verdict

Raiatea’s Tasty Secret is a hidden gem in French Polynesia. If you are a foodie or just love excellent food, you must visit this snack bar. The owner’s passion for cooking and the warm hospitality make it an experience that you will never forget. Do not let the rustic trailer or the simple decor fool you; the food is world-class.


What are the opening hours of Raiatea’s Tasty Secret?

Raiatea’s Tasty Secret is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm.

Does Raiatea’s Tasty Secret accept credit cards?

No, Raiatea’s Tasty Secret only accepts cash payments.

Is there parking available at Raiatea’s Tasty Secret?

Yes, there is a small parking area available for customers.


Raiatea’s Tasty Secret is a charming snack bar that serves up excellent food and warm hospitality. If you are traveling to French Polynesia, make sure to add Raiatea’s Tasty Secret to your itinerary. You will be glad you did. From the poisson cru to the coconut bread, every dish is a masterpiece, and the experience is unforgettable.

Découvrez le secret culinaire de Raiatea : un voyage gastronomique jusqu’à une roulotte rustique servant des en-cas délicieux. Laissez-vous tenter par les plaisirs gustatifs offerts par l’épatante roulotte de Raiatea et profitez de l’hospitalité chaleureuse dans ce coin charmant de la Polynésie française. La petite roulotte à la décoration colorée offre une expérience culinaire unique qui vous permet de vous imprégner de la culture locale, de savourer la nourriture authentique et de profiter de l’ambiance décontractée.
Le menu de la roulotte de Raiatea offre une variété d’options alléchantes, allant des délicieux poissons locaux aux plats à base de viande grillée. Vous pouvez commencer par un morceau d’ « ahi poke » ou de « pua » (porc grillé) accompagné d’une salade fraîche, suivie d’un « poisson cru » ou d’un « poisson grillé » (thon ou mahi-mahi) accompagné de frites maison. Pour ceux qui ont une dent sucrée, il y a des dessert traditionnels polynésiens tels que le « fa’apua » ou le « po’e ». Il y a également des options végétariennes pour les non-carnivores. Chaque plat est préparé avec amour et passion, et les propriétaires sont fiers de servir une cuisine de qualité.
En plus de la nourriture délicieuse, la roulotte de Raiatea offre une ambiance décontractée et conviviale, avec une équipe sympathique et serviable prête à vous aider. Installez-vous confortablement dans une des chaises en bois et conversez avec les habitués, qui vous diront avec plaisir les bienfaits de la cuisine locale. Vous aurez également la chance de rencontrer et d’échanger avec des locaux, qui vous raconteront des histoires fascinantes sur la vie sur l’île de Raiatea.
Bref, la roulotte de Raiatea est un incontournable pour les amateurs de gastronomie et les touristes curieux en quête d’une expérience unique en Polynésie française. Pour vivre une expérience culinaire authentique et découvrir la nourriture locale, ne manquez pas l’occasion de visiter la roulotte de Raiatea. C’est une occasion à ne pas manquer! Découvrez la gastronomie locale à la roulotte de Raiatea : une expérience aux multiples saveurs.

Découvrez la gastronomie locale à la roulotte de Raiatea : une expérience aux multiples saveurs.